Located in the Plaza de la Almoina 5 is the Chapel of Saint Vicent’s
Prison, on the place where, according to tradition, the prison where this Saint
was locked at the begining of the 4th century.
There is evidence that since the fourteenth century there was a
chapel dedicated to the saint and a chapel newly built which is what has come
to us with several restorations in history was built in 1427. The cover of
access was performed in 1831 at the expense of Cantor Miguel Cortés.
The chapel is today inside a modern building over the Almoina
Square. It belonged to the house of Cantor until the confiscation of 1835.
Under the building several archaeological remains have been found, forming the Archaeological
Crypt of the Prison of Saint Vicent Martyr.
It is said that the chapel was built by the king himself Don
Jaime. Its interior is divided into two separated by a pointed arch spaces. At
the end of the room an altar and a front panel "socarrats"
representing a scene of the martyrdom of Saint Vicent Martyr. In the lower
right he says: He painted: Lola Miralles. Drew: Antono Thomas. January 2004.
Quart de Poblet.
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